Tomato Frito Sauce with Vegetables Recipe


A variant of the tomato sauce that I really like is this recipe for tomato frito with vegetables. I generally prepared it chopping very thinely the vegetables that I mix at the end with a classic “tomato […]

A variant of the tomato sauce that I really like is this recipe for tomato frito with vegetables. I generally prepared it chopping very thinely the vegetables that I mix at the end with a classic “tomato frito” sauce. It can be used to accompany a nice piece of meat or even fish, but I prepare to accompany fried eggs with fresh bread to dip in. And you? What would you suggest? If you want to share your thoughts with me and the readers of the blog, please leave a message in the comments section. We will share good ideas. 🙂

Tomato Frito Sauce with Vegetables Recipe

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Serves: 4 Time: Difficulty: Easy
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