Salmon and Grilled Goat Cheese Salad Recipe


How to prepare a delicious warm salad of marinated salmon grilled and goat cheese. It is seasoned with a sweet touch that gives the balsamic vinegar and honey vinnaigrette, which combines perfectly with salmon and goat cheese. […]

How to prepare a delicious warm salad of marinated salmon grilled and goat cheese. It is seasoned with a sweet touch that gives the balsamic vinegar and honey vinnaigrette, which combines perfectly with salmon and goat cheese. I used to prepare this salad by myself in the salad buffet in the restaurant where I had lanch every day a few years ago. Nevertheless, there the goat cheese was not grilled, but now when I make this salad at home I love the brown it, as I really love the flavour and creamy texture of hot cheese. And you? Do you also like hot cheese? Do you usually add some sweetness to your salads? If you want to share your opinion, please leave me a message in the comments section.

Salmon and Grilled Goat Cheese Salad Recipe

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Serves: 4 Time: Difficulty: Easy
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