Rose Water Syrup Panna Cotta Recipe


Some time ago I bought my first bottle of rosewater syrup to try a cocktail that used to order in a bar in Grenoble. I have only found this kind of syrup in gourmet stores around […]

Some time ago I bought my first bottle of rosewater syrup to try a cocktail that used to order in a bar in Grenoble. I have only found this kind of syrup in gourmet stores around here. A little expensive, but it worths. So far I have only made two different things with it: the cocktail and this recipe of panna cotta. The cocktail it is great and the panna cotta even better. The latter is delicate like roses. Although I recommend to put only a little of coulis because otherwise you are going to lose the rose flavor inside the panna cotta, and… as you know… it is much better to eat roses than give them away 😉

Rose Water Syrup Panna Cotta Recipe

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Serves: 4 Time: Difficulty: Easy
Categories: recipe

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11 years ago

Qué postre tan elegante! 🙂
El caso es que yo sólo he probado la rosa en un batido de una tetería árabe, y no me gustó nada de nada, yo creo que porque era demasiado fuerte. La lavanda en cambio me apasiona, y el azahar por supuesto, así que tendré que dar otra oportunidad a esta otra flor.

Un abrazo

Toñi Picapusa
11 years ago

Que maravilla!! me han dado ganas de buscar ese sirope! debe ser una delicia

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