Raviole Gratin Recipe


This recipe is about ravioles, again. The small ravioli from Romans, a cite near Grenoble. As far as I know, ravioles can be cooked in different ways. Not only boiled, but also baked or even […]

This recipe is about ravioles, again. The small ravioli from Romans, a cite near Grenoble. As far as I know, ravioles can be cooked in different ways. Not only boiled, but also baked or even fried. I am not telling more about those plates as I would like to share with you the recipes with ravioles I like most. Specially, the ones that I normally cook at home and even some inventions. Let us begin with one of the most common raviole preparations: the gratin.

Although the traditional way to prepare the ravioles is boiled, this gratin is very easy to find in lots of brasseries as the daily suggestion. Much more in winter than in any other season. Moreover, when a restaurant offers raviole gratin in its menu, it also proposes its own variations. However, today, we are going to see the basic raviole gratin recipe.

Raviole Gratin Recipe

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Serves: 4 Time: Difficulty: Easy
Categories: recipe
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