Lentil and Chorizo Soup Recipe


Lentil soup with chorizo ​​was the first stewed legumes dish that I learned after leaving my parents’ home to study at the university. As soon as the cold days came, I started to buy lentil […]

Lentejas con chorizo

Lentil soup with chorizo ​​was the first stewed legumes dish that I learned after leaving my parents’ home to study at the university. As soon as the cold days came, I started to buy lentil soup with chorizo ​​already premade. It was good but it was not my mother’s which I love it. So as soon as I got tired of buying canned lentils, I called Mom. We can say that prepare lentil soup with chorizo ​​is very easy. If you think it is not, please just let me know after reading the recipe.

Lentejas con chorizo

Lentil and Chorizo Soup Recipe

Average Rating: 1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (No Ratings Yet)
Serves: 4 Time: Difficulty: Easy
Categories: lentejas recipe
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