Shortcrust Pastry Recipe


Since I am interested in quiches, it did not take me long before I decided to learn to make the pastry by myself. Whenever I bought a pastry sheet at the supermarket, my little conscience told […]

Since I am interested in quiches, it did not take me long before I decided to learn to make the pastry by myself. Whenever I bought a pastry sheet at the supermarket, my little conscience told me: “What if we do it ourselves? Sure it takes less than ten minutes… There is no need to buy packaged, right? ” However, at first I always ended up covered in flour. Yes, it’s true, I was not good at kneading… 🙁 But I found another way faster, easier and cleaner: Using a food processor.

Another advantage of making the pastry at home is that you can use quality butter, instead of the bad fat used in industrial preparations.

Shortcrust Pastry Recipe

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Serves: 4 Time: Difficulty: Easy
Categories: easy recipe recipe

How to roll the dough

  1. Sprinkle flour on a cold surface.
  2. Stretch a little with a rolling pin. Always start rolling from the inside.
  3. Flour the surface and back to roll.
  4. Shake a little so it does not stick to the base.
  5. Stretch with the roll pin again and repeat the process until it is thin enough.
  6. To carry it, roll it gently on the roll pin.

How to cook the dough

  1. Preheat oven to 175-180 ° C, heat top and bottom.
  2. Gently place the dough on the pie pan. Previously buttered and dusted with flour.
  3. With a fork, make holes throughout the dough, it avoids that it does not swell during cooking.
  4. Place a circle of baking paper paper to cover the base.
  5. Put baking balls or legumes on the parchment paper. It will weight and it prevents it from swelling.
  6. Bake the dough at half height for approximately 20 to 25 min.

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13 years ago

perfecto, ahora mismo lo pongo en práctica… mil gracias

12 years ago

Acabo de encontrar tu blog y me está encantando 🙂 A mi me gusta mucho hacer masas jaja Acabar de harina hasta las cejas es sinónimo de estar haciéndolo bien (o de que te ha reventado un saco en la cara).

12 years ago
Reply to  Aida

Hola Aida! Me alegra que te guste el blog. Muchas gracias! A mi también me pasa lo de acabar embadurnado de harina… un horror! Pero qué se le va a hacer… jejeje

Luz A,
10 years ago

Explicas de manera muy clara, muchas gracias por compartir tus recetas y trucos.

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