Creamy Mushroom Sauce Recipe


Preparing this creamy mushroom sauce, full of flavor and perfect to accompany a good steak, filet mignon or even a chicken breast, you do no need to buy too expensive mushrooms at all. Common mushrooms (or French […]

Preparing this creamy mushroom sauce, full of flavor and perfect to accompany a good steak, filet mignon or even a chicken breast, you do no need to buy too expensive mushrooms at all. Common mushrooms (or French mushrooms) can be used and you will get a very good and tasty sauce. This is a recipe that I make quite often. You can have it ready quickly. The only small thing to point out is that you have to brown the mushrooms until they release their juices that will infuse with the sauce.

Creamy Mushroom Sauce Recipe

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Serves: 4 Time: Difficulty: Easy
Categories: recipe salsas


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9 years ago

Mira que como poca carne, pero la salsa de champiñones o setas siempre me ha parecido de las mejores para acompañarla :). Muy buena pinta!

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