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Roasted Marinated Rabbit With Rosemary, Orange and Maple Syrup Recipe

Today we welcome again to our dear friend the rabbit with this dish of roasted marinated rabbit with rosemary, orange and maple syrup. This is a very easy recipe that leaves a delicious taste in your mouth. Very different from other preparations of rabbit meat as in mustard sauce [1] or even with garlic [2] in Spain.

Roasted Marinated Rabbit With Rosemary, Orange and Maple Syrup Recipe

Average Rating: 1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (No Ratings Yet)
Serves: 4 Time: Difficulty: Easy
Categories: carnes [4] easy recipe [5] recipe [6]
Tags: conejo [7] naranja [8] romero [9] sirope de arce [10]