Homemade Mayo Recipe with the Stick Blender. Always a Success.


I always wanted to know how to make homemade mayonnaise. I tried several times, but always failed, so I gave up. I did not mind since I always bought a bottle of mayonnaise wich I […]

I always wanted to know how to make homemade mayonnaise. I tried several times, but always failed, so I gave up. I did not mind since I always bought a bottle of mayonnaise wich I found really good. however, that changed when I came to France. Here it is a bit difficult to find a already made mayonnaise without Dijon mustard and even if the mayonnaise with mustard tastes also good, I cannot find the same taste as in Spain in many dishes. That is why I was determined to learn how to prepare mayonnaise and after many attempts I finally got it using the blender. And it is always a success.

There are several things I had to learn to succeed my homemade mayonnaise. First , the container, you need to use a glass or jar that is not much wider than the blender. It was not the case of the recipient that came with my blender. It is a little wider and I had to buy another one specifically for mayonnaise. The point is that it helps to gradually incorporate the oil into the emulsion. Second, you should always use a little vinegar or lemon from the beginning. Aside from the touch of flavor, an acid ingredient is the key to ease the emulsion. And last but not least, the egg has to be room temperature. You should have it out of the fridge in advance and also let it rest with the oil for a while. Warning! You need to pay close attention to the conservation advises since mayonnaise is made from raw egg which is very easy to get infected with salmonella.

Homemade Mayo Recipe with the Stick Blender. Always a Success.

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Serves: 4 Time: Difficulty: Easy
Categories: recipe
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10 years ago

Hace medio siglo que la hago. El problema era que en casa la quisieran sin clara, que era lo más frecuente. Esa sí que no hay forma de hacerla con batidora.

Mi truco es: a la misma temperatura todos los ingredientes y al batir y levantando poco a poco la batidora, así facilita la emulsión

No sé si en Francia habrá frascos anchos de los de conservas. Yo los uso como frascos de batidora y así puedo guardar lo que sobre en el mismo frasco.


10 years ago

Yo me di cuenta que en invierno siempre me salía a la primera y en verano nunca me cuajaba y se me quedaba como sopa. Por lo que pensé que era un tema de la temperatura, en verano es fácil que haya una temperatura ambiente de 30 grados; Así que lo que hago es al revés, en vez de sacar el huevo antes, si se que voy a hacer mayonesa, el día antes pongo el aceite en la nevera, así puedo sacar todos los ingredientes al tiempo y a la misma temperatura y creédme, es mejor que con el aceite… Read more »

10 years ago

muy buena pinta esta receta, yo he hecho varias recetas de mayonesa de esta página y me salieron muy ricas también <a href="http://www.recetamayonesa.com/mayonesa

muy buenos.cacl.

muy buenos exentes. C.a.c.l

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