Andalusian Gazpacho Recipe


Recently, in the post about how to make croutons, I was referring a little about the new habits that one gets when changing his country. That story was about the fact that I got used to use certain ingredients while living in France. Well, another of new habits that I have acquired here is to go for a picnic very often, as long as the weather is good, of course. Even at work we have organized picnics. They are usually planned this period of the year, just before the holidays and for them I have been always asked to bring gazpacho.

How to make gazpacho

Gazpacho is as easy as putting everything in a blender and mix. The days of making gazpacho with everything very finely chopped are gone. Blend and  you’re done. I am also among those who prefer to pass the gazpacho through a strainer with small holes to get a very fine texture. Moreover, I do not usually add any water, nor onion, nor stale bread to the mixture. The only tricky thing, just a little, it’s to remember the actual amount of dressing that we like for the next time we prepare gazpacho. Besides that, only two things make the gazpacho even better. First, to prepare it in advance, that is, to let it cool in the fridge overnight (do the test and tell me!). Second, to use ingredients of very good quality: some good tomatoes, good olive oil and good vinegar. But the mos important thing is that the tomato have to smell like a tomato.

Andalusian Gazpacho Recipe

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Serves: 4 Time: Difficulty: Easy
Categories: gazpacho recipe

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