Catalan Spinach Omelette Recipe (Spinach, Raisins and Pine Nuts)


There was a time when I regularly met a study group with a small group of friends. We used to meet on Saturday or Sunday morning. We used to start with a big breakfast. But […]

There was a time when I regularly met a study group with a small group of friends. We used to meet on Saturday or Sunday morning. We used to start with a big breakfast. But sometimes when we did not want to get up too early, we met to study first and then had lunch all together. Both for breakfast and for lunch each of us always brought something. I remember that in one of these breakfasts my pistachio cake was really appreciated. I also remember that for lunch our favorite was always the spinach omelette one of our friends made. This is his recipe.

Catalan Spinach Omelette Recipe (Spinach, Raisins and Pine Nuts)

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Serves: 4 Time: Difficulty: Easy
Categories: recipe verduras
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10 years ago

Ayer estuve echádole un vistazo a tu página y le vi muy buena pinta a todas las recetas .
Pero anoche preparé esta tortilla y está impresionante. Nos encantó.

Muchas gracias por tú página. Nos hace la vida mucho más fácil.

9 years ago

¡¡Qué delicia de receta!! ¡¡Qué recuerdos de aquellos desayunos todos juntos!! :’) Un abrazo!!

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