Watermelon, Goat Cheese, Cucumber, and Mint Appetizer Recipe


Watermelon is a fruit that combines very well with salty preparations. Especially in salads. That is what I felt given the large amounts of recipes surfing on the net. However, I had never dared to put watermelon in something salty until this […]

Watermelon is a fruit that combines very well with salty preparations. Especially in salads. That is what I felt given the large amounts of recipes surfing on the net. However, I had never dared to put watermelon in something salty until this year. Recently I decided to serve one of the appetizers that was on my list “to do” since long time: watermelon with goat cheese. I can say that it is both fresh and light in one bite.

I have not put the number of servings in the recipe, just decide how many you want to prepare and keep the rest of ingredients. If you check the original recipe out, you will see that I have made some “improvements” and simplifications. I serve it normally with sliced ​​cheese instead of making a cream, and I also add a touch of mint, with enhances the refreshing taste. Plus, you will find in the suggestions sections down below, some other small variations that I have tried.

Watermelon, Goat Cheese, Cucumber, and Mint Appetizer Recipe

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Serves: 4 Time: Difficulty: Easy

Source: A Food Centric Life

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10 years ago

Joli, originale, et j’ai l’impression très bon! Bravo et joli blog 😉

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