Strawberry Caipiroska Recipe


One of the last times I visited Madrid during a weekend, I met some friends who were also in the capital. In fact, they also live abroad. They emigrated shortly after me. We took advantage […]

One of the last times I visited Madrid during a weekend, I met some friends who were also in the capital. In fact, they also live abroad. They emigrated shortly after me. We took advantage that Madrid was not very crowdy that night to go out for a drink and some tapas in La Latina, one of Madrid’s districts well known for its tapas restaurants. That night we ended the evening on a terrace with a cocktail to accompany a piece of cake. Well… half of the group succumbed to the temptation of a cocktail, the other half to a tea. It was that day that I was recommended to try the strawberry  Caipiroska. It was delicious !

As caipirinhas and other variants, strawberry Caipiroska is a very sweet cocktail. Well… that means that it is best not to drink it too fast, even though it is very refreshing 😉 Nevertheless, this cocktail needs good strawberries, ripes and very sweet. As caipirinha, to prepare a strawberry Caipiroska, simply crush the fruit, add crushed ice and fill with vodka.

Strawberry Caipiroska Recipe

Average Rating: 1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (2 votes, average: 3.00 out of 5)
Serves: 4 Time: Difficulty: Easy
Categories: cóctel recipe
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10 years ago

Bonjour Je visite les recettes à base de fraises pour signaler que le thème du KKVKVK # 56 ( le plus ancien jeu de la blogosphère culinaire) est « A la fraise, à la fraise ! » Les modalités du jeu ( jusqu’au 21 juin ) sont ici Il faudra juste penser à installer dans le corps de ton message, le joli logo que la Fourmi Elé a créé et faire le lien vers son blog Le lien de ta recette sera à laisser en commentaire chez la Fourmi Elé J’en boirai bien un verre de ce délicieux cocktail… Read more »

10 years ago

Très chouette !

10 years ago

Contribution à la fraise validée!! Un cocktail, tu penses, il sera le bienvenu dans ce kkvkvk56!! Merci à toi pour cette proposition festive!!
A très bientôt pour la suite de l’histoier!

[…] aardbeien maken een Strawberry Caipiroska de perfecte twist op de klassieke Braziliaanse cocktail. Prak 4 tot 5 aardbeien samen met limoenpartjes en […]

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