Making croutons for salads, besides giving them a rich crunchy taste, it is also a good way to use the stale bread. In addition, once they are done last almost perfect for a while. You can add them to the salad for the tomorrow and also you can save some for the salad within several days. But it does not stop there. They also allow for lots of variations, depending on the spices you put on them. That way, you can use them to enhance any flavor in the salad. Choices are endless: from the classic bread with olive oil, garlic, parsley, rosemary … or even with a touch of tomato and oregano. In this post, you’ll find how to make them with garlic, as it’s the one I like most. However, you are welcome to experiment.
When you change your country and spend some time living in the new one, you also note changes on some of your habits which, by accident or not, you assimilate to get used to the new environment. An example : getting used to cook with some ingredients that you never had through before, mostly because here in the new place where you live they are quite common. That’s what happens to me in France with the croutons, among others. Here croutons are quite often put in salads and they come always with soups or veloutés.