Chunky Apple Sauce on Speculoos topped with Salted Butter Caramel Recipe


Since I live in Grenoble, I got used to buy fruit always in the same place. It is a little more expensive than other stores or market stalls, but the merchant ensures that the fruit […]

Since I live in Grenoble, I got used to buy fruit always in the same place. It is a little more expensive than other stores or market stalls, but the merchant ensures that the fruit is perfectly ripe and ready to eat. He is absolutely right , and every week I pay him a little visit. I am not disappointed of buying fruits that are not good anymnore. Normally, I buy enough for the whole week and the weekend, with the fruit that I did not eat, I prepare a dessert. For example, with the apples, when I see that I must eat them, I sometimes make a chunky sauce which I accompany with speculoos and I top with salted butter caramel sauce.

Chunky Apple Sauce on Speculoos topped with Salted Butter Caramel Recipe

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Serves: 4 Time: Difficulty: Easy
Categories: postres recipe
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