lang="en-US"> Chickpeas, Sardines and Peppers Salad Recipe
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Chickpeas, Sardines and Peppers Salad Recipe

Chickpeas, Sardines and Peppers Salad Recipe

I never liked chickpeas. When I was a child it was one of the dishes that I could not even see in a photo. I remember one day when my mother found a similar one recipe in a magazine and asked me: “If I prepare chickpeas like that, would you eat them?” I told her: “Try and we will see.” And here is the first dish made of chickpeas that I ate without even complain at all when I was a kid.

Chickpeas, Sardines and Peppers Salad Recipe

Chickpeas, Sardines and Peppers Salad Recipe

Average Rating: Note: There is a rating embedded within this post, please visit this post to rate it.
Serves: 4 Time: Difficulty: Easy
Categories: ensaladas recipe
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