Provençal Tomatoes Recipe


In the canteen where I usually eat for lunch they offer many different accompaniments for the special of the day. It has nothing to do with the canteen at the university where choices were either simple and tasteless salad […]

In the canteen where I usually eat for lunch they offer many different accompaniments for the special of the day. It has nothing to do with the canteen at the university where choices were either simple and tasteless salad or fries with a fluorescent color. Fortunately, that time has already passed. Here there is rice, vegetables and potatoes to choose and combine everyday. Rice changes and can be simply cooked with butter, with saffron, with some vegetables and sometimes spicy. For vegetables there is always a large choice: peas, green beans, carrots or a few kinds of beans. Potatoes, they are still fried, but you can also have them baked or mashed. In addition, regularly there something a little more special than usual, like creamy spinachs, couscous or Provençal tomatoes. These las ones are my favorites.

Provençal Tomatoes Recipe

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Serves: 4 Time: Difficulty: Easy

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12 years ago

una receta sencilla y deliciosa, me encantan asi los tomates!

feliz verano!

12 years ago

Están riquísimos! Buen verano para ti también! 😀

12 years ago

Madre mia que receta tan rica! Que artista! No conocía tu blog y es genial. Pásate por el mio si te apetece y me cuentas que tal te parece. Un abrazo muy grande y enhorabuena por el blog

He hecho estos tomates y se quedan riquísimos. Enhorabuena.

11 years ago

Que buena idea como acompañamiento, aunque yo me los comería solos también 🙂
Un besín.

[…] Receta de tomates a la provenzal (tomates al horno) […]

[…] este plato de cerdo estofado con chalotas con unos tomates a la provenzal, unas patatas con tomillo, fritas, o arroz […]

[…] este chuletón de buey hecho en casa con unas patatas fritas caseras, unos tomates a la provenzal o asados a la plancha y unos pimientos fritos o al […]

10 years ago

Creo que les falta una pizca de orégano, tomillo y romero para que sean realmente tomates a la provenzal.

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